​2018 Instructions and Application
To provide Scholarship Grants to qualified applicants who are pursuing an undergraduate degree and will be enrolled as a full time student (12 semester hour minimum) in the upcoming academic year of 2019 Fall Semester or technical training at a full time recognized institution and is attending an accredited undergraduate institution. Scholarship Grants may be awarded for a maximum of four (4) years. These grants do not have to be in consecutive years.
1. Members of the Marine Corps League, or Auxiliary in good standing.
2. Spouses, Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren and Step Children of a Marine Corps League or Auxiliary member in good standing.
3. Children of non-League Members of U. S. Marines and FMF Corpsmen who were attached to a Marine Unit and were killed in combat operations.
4. Honorably discharged Marines (non-League members) in need of rehabilitation training not provided by government programs.
1. Students who already have their first undergraduate degree; or are pursuing their second bachelor’s degree; or are attending graduate school of any kind; or are attending Federal Service Academies are not eligible.
2. Students who do not currently have a Cumulative (Un-weighted) GPA of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) are not eligible.
3. Honorary, Honorary Active or Corporative members or their families do not qualify.
The college or career trade school that the student plans on attending in the upcoming academic year of 2019 Fall Semester, must be an accredited undergraduate institution listed in College Navigator (http://nces.ed.gov/globallocator/) in order to qualify for the Michigan Marine Corps League Scholarship Grant.
DEFINITION: New Applicant – The applicant has never been awarded a Michigan Marine Corps League Scholarship on the Department level.
DEFINITION: Renewal Applicant – The applicant is a prior recipient of a Michigan Marine Corps League Scholarship on the Department level.
1. You must have a Minimum Cumulative GPA (Un-weighted) of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale).
2. Complete and Sign the official 2019 application on the Michigan Marine Corps League Web-Site. Outdated, modified or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
3. If you are both the Applicant & the Membership Sponsor complete both sections as self.
4. Verify that the school you will be attending is an accredited institution listed in College Navigator.
5. Attach (as applicable) your final high school or latest college semester ‘Official Transcripts’ showing your latest Cumulative (Un-weighted) GPA of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale).
6. Ensure that the sponsor information is complete and accurate.
7. Ensure that the Detachment/Auxiliary Unit Certification Information is complete and accurate. 8. Mail the Application and required Transcripts to the address shown below, postmarked on or before May 1, 2019.
1. All Sponsors must be paid members in good standing in the Marine Corps League or the Marine Corps League Auxiliary.
Revised June 10, 2017 & Approved at MI-MCL Annual Summer Convention
2. All Sponsors must provide all sponsorship data on the application as required, insert their League membership number and/or their Paid Life Member number if applicable. Non PLM’s insert their membership ‘Expiration Date’.
3. MCLA Sponsors (do not have membership numbers) insert ‘N/A’.
NOTE: See your Detachment Paymaster or Auxiliary Unit Treasurer for assistance with these numbers or expiration dates.
1. The Detachment Paymaster / Auxiliary Unit Treasurer will certify on the application verifying that the Sponsor is a paid member in good standing within their respective organization.
2. The Detachment Commandant / Auxiliary Unit President will certify on the application verifying that the Sponsor is a paid member in good standing within their respective organization.
NOTE: In the event the applicant is sponsored by OR is related to the Detachment Commandant / Detachment Paymaster OR the Auxiliary Unit President / Auxiliary Unit Treasurer, then the Detachment “Senior Vice Commandant†or the Auxiliary Unit “Senior Vice President†will certify in the appropriate blocks after verifying that the Sponsor is a paid member in good standing within their respective organization as their “DESIGNEE†in their stead. If there is still a conflict the Judge Advocate will sign.
1. If your application is selected, you will be notified in June by email or USPS regular mail (if no email address). In that notification you will be instructed to obtain an ‘Official Proof of Enrollment Letter’ from your school for the 2019 Fall Semester.
2. This ‘Official Proof of Enrollment Letter’ must be sent to the Michigan MCL Scholarship Committee postmarked no later than October 1, 2019 and must indicate registration for a minimum of 12 hours for the school term.
3. Incomplete applications will not be considered nor will they be returned for completion…it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all requirements for the application are met!
4. Letters of recommendation are not required nor will they be considered.
5. Eligibility and compliance will be strictly observed by the Scholarship Committee.
6. If you have a change of address or email, you must notify the Michigan MCL Scholarship Committee without delay.
7. Decisions by the Scholarship Committee are final.
8. Applicants will be notified of Award by the Committee Chairman by November 10, 2019.
The Michigan Marine Corps League Scholarship Committee cannot establish the amount of the individual Scholarship Grants until November of 2019. The amount of the Scholarship Grant will vary from year to year, based on the total number of selected applicants who submit their required proof of enrollment letters in an accredited school to the Scholarship Committee by the established deadline. Historically the award is between $300 – $500. All recipients will receive the same grant amount. The Michigan Marine Corps League Paymaster will issue the checks directly to the Applicant (not the school) shortly thereafter.Mail All Applications / Transcripts / Letters to:
c/o David R. Hatfield
925 Crest Court
Seymour, TN 37865-6045